Keith Kaplan

Keith Kaplan

Chief Executive Officer, TradeSmith

Keith Kaplan

Keith Kaplan is the CEO of TradeSmith LLC and a champion of the retail investor. Keith has invested and traded in many different markets bull and bear over the last 25 years. Like many investors, he suffered through the highs and lows of extreme volatility along the way.

Keith joined TradeSmith after years of frustration with a lack of available tools and financial literacy, and is using his 25 years’ experience as a software architect and evangelist to unleash the power of software for the everyday retail investor. 

TradeSmith has its origins in 2005 with TradeStops, a simple program to track fixed-percentage trailing stops. Since that time, TradeSmith has expanded its mission to provide individual investors with sophisticated, yet easy-to-use tools to help them make better decisions, risk less, and potentially make more with traditional stocks and even cryptocurrencies.

Keith’s mission is to continue bringing the power of investing and trading software and TradeSmith’s core philosophy to the general public so they can be successful as individual investors!